Monday, December 2, 2024

SCRH: The Shamanic Gardens 3. Remain Calm In A world Of Chaos & The Shamanic Healer

The Shamanic Healer.

I am human. 

In my mind I watch the sunrise as if I am a chilled leaf upon a tree with a  single drop of dew up. The first light of the sun peeps over the horizon and touches the leaf, caresses me in its warmth. And in this moment that extends forever I contemplate the joy and elation that the leaf must feel as those first rays of warm sunlight touches it and in excitement it welcomes the embrace of morning.

Experiencing the feeling of the first warmth of the morning in this moment, I breath this feeling in. I let it fill my emotional cup so I can face the day, my day, as if I am this leaf in the first rays of sunlight. Feeling the warmth for the first time after a cold night and letting that comfort embrace me.

I open my eyes with an full heart and a full emotional cup. I look at my wife and listen to the latest traumatic discourse short form video she has playing on her mobile. She looks at me as if I heard about the sky falling around me; and to be fair… it is. And I smile. Yes the sky is falling, and yes it will affect us too. But I remember feeling the embrace and the warmth of those first rays of sun upon a cold leaf of a tree in the light of the sunrise. 

We will be alright.


At the beginning of the day and at the end of it, I am Human - and this is alright. 

There's much in today's world where the desire for fantasy, and an desire to be more than human and more than mundane is strong within us all. Politics has taken a turn in a direction that instills collective fear and plays upon a collective trauma that makes the idea to escape by any means possible not just desirable, but necessary for our sanity. Knowing that our trusted family is now afraid of our neighbors, our family members within our homes - we feel lost and don't know who to trust or how to trust again.

This part of the natural instinct to fight, flee, or freeze. 

Collectively we have experienced one trauma after another after another as we experience historic events over and over again. Collectively we we developed trauma in our personal lives, and in this world we struggle to love. But the ability to love our worlds is diminishing swiftly as we face yet another historic and collectively traumatic event. 

Leading into depression which convinces us to diminish our natural charms, shines, and to hide our inner lights away from the prying eyes of society because of dastardly reasons. 

According to some Buddhists Depression is a struggle between yourself in who you're expected to be vs. who you are… and who you are is winning over.

Fear is natural. This instinct is natural. 

What's not natural is giving into this fear and letting it influence your every day and every move. Trauma has a way of keeping the fear alive. Depression has a knack of diminishing your resilience to the fear as your insecurities devour your confidence in yourself and your place in your community. With Depression at the helm the fear that trauma keeps alive becomes your new and pleasant memories at the expense of your serenity.

And there's a lot about us in this world at all times that can cost us our serenity & joy.

How can I remain calm at a time like this? 

When the phrase “remain calm” does nothing and the contemporary strategies and affirmations fail what can you do? 

  • Breathe. Go ahead and work on breathing exercises for relaxation and calm to help get you through the situation.

  • Get plenty of food, water and sleep. We tend to get stressed, depressed even agitated when our basic needs are not met. If you are hungry, eat. If yourw thirsty, drink. If you're tired, get some rest. Once your needs are taken care of our moods and concentration get better.

  • Be mindful. Be aware of your emotions and what brought them about. Be aware of your emotional and physical responses and reactions to what's happening.

  • Practice Gratefulness, it's the small things that make life worthwhile. Take a moment to be grateful for what you have, even if they're not big things… especially if they're not big things. It's the little things that have the biggest impact in our lives

  • Go For A Walk, it seems contrary to what's upset you, but maintaining your daily routines or creating a new healthy habitual routine can help maintain a steady and sane outlook on life.


A specific place to meditate:

In honesty: you just need yourself.

I practice what I call “Walking Meditation” in that every action you take, and every breath you take whilst being in motion can be an act of meditation and mindfulness. Even the repetitive actions you can use as an exercise to meditate with.


Who I Am:

I'm Erin. I'm a trained Shaman who focuses on Shamanic Healing, Meditations, Rituals, Tarot, Energy Healing, & Reiki. But, where I focus on the most are the paths of Shadows - in Shadow Work is where what we hide in the shadows dwells. Because what dwells in the shadows is no less than you.

I focus on Shadow Work because as a woman with DID; multiple personalities, Shadow Work, Tarot, Rituals, Therapeutic & Psychological understanding with Shamanic Soul Retrievals we're all needed to untangle the web of traumas and recover myself. Which was no easy feat.

There's a reason Shadow Work is considered the hardest thing you can do in this life.

In the Holistic & wellness healing practice, I'm working to redefine who I am from the Reiki Healer to The Shamanic Healer by bring these Shamanic Shadow Work practices, Meditations, Rituals, Energy Healing along with various other 'witchy tools' to make the action of peeping under the hood of ourselves that we hide in the shadows possible.

At the end of the day, with as much knowledge of self working hand in hand with the practices listed above, may we navigate ourselves through this chaos and find our peace amidst a world gone mad.


SCRH: The Shamanic Gardens 3. Remain Calm In A world Of Chaos & The Shamanic Healer

The Shamanic Healer. I am human.  In my mind I watch the sunrise as if I am a chilled leaf upon a tree with a  single drop of dew up. The fi...